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End of Life for Envelope/Tiller Budget Template and Add-on

Learn more about our plans to decommission the Envelope Budget add-on, Tiller Budget template, and AutoCat for Feed Bot.

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

End of Life for Envelope Budget

We will be decommissioning the Envelope Budget add-on in October 2022. Prior to that time we are limiting the functionality of the add-on for existing users and will prevent new Envelope Budget template installs using the add-on.

This add-on will completely disappear from your Extensions menu in early 2023.

We recognize this creates an inconvenience for some of our long time customers who have made the Envelope Budget their primary budgeting sheet. If that’s you, we’d love to hear from you. Complete this quick survey to share your feedback.

We hope to offer an official Tiller savings template or workflow in the future that is compatible with the Foundation template. Share your feedback and join the waitlist for early access to this feature.

We'd also love to have your input as we think about building out savings workflows in general. Here is a separate survey you can take to share feedback.

Prior to October 1, 2022 you should plan to migrate to the Tiller Foundation Template as your Envelope Budget template will no longer work without the Envelope Budget add-on. Check out our How to Transition section below.

End of Life for AutoCat for Feed Bot

The Envelope Budget add-on is also the home of “AutoCat for Feed Bot”, Tiller’s first generation AutoCat that works with the older version of our feeds to Google Sheets, the Feed Bot.

This year we’re also asking all customers still using Feed Bot sheets to upgrade to Tiller Money Feeds sheets. If you already launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to fill your sheet with data and access AutoCat this change doesn’t apply to you. If you’re using a version of AutoCat that requires you to run AutoCat right in the AutoCat sheet, you will need to upgrade before Oct 1, 2022, and you can read more about these changes here.

How to Transition out of the Envelope Budget template

The easiest option is to just start fresh in the Tiller Foundation Template. The Foundation Template is currently our only officially supported template. If you prefer not to use the Foundation Template you can also start with your own template or in a blank Google Sheet.

Please note that out of the box the Foundation Template does not support envelope budgeting or rollovers. We also do not support weekly or bi-weekly budget periods anymore either. See our recommendations below.

For starting fresh in the Foundation template we recommend that you follow the steps in this guide for migrating your transaction, manual balances, and AutoCat rules from your Envelope Budget sheet to your new Foundation Template spreadsheet.

Then you can learn more about the template and easily get started using our Tiller Foundations Guide. Click here to access the guide.

Recommendations for Envelope Budgeting

If you prefer Envelope/rollover style budgeting, we recommend that you check out the community-built and supported Savings Budget. It is a great addition to the Foundation Template for those who prefer to see their monthly category balances carry over into the next month. The Savings Budget is compatible with the Tiller Foundation Template and it can be installed using the Tiller Community Solutions add-on, but it is supported by the Tiller Community.

You can follow the steps here for migrating from the Envelope Budget template to the Savings Budget.

We recommend that you watch the webinar recording here after you transition your data to the Savings Budget so that you understand how the Savings Budget works and how it's different from the Envelope Budget template.

Recommendations for Weekly or Bi-weekly budgeting

We don't have separate solutions for weekly or bi-weekly budgeting at this time, but you can create separate categories for each week's expenses/income and this will display on the Monthly Budget sheet in the Foundation Template in such a way that will help guide your weekly spending.



Week 1: Groceries

Week 2: Groceries

Week 1: Utilities

Week 2: Utilities

Week 1: Paycheck

Week 2: Paycheck

A similar workflow could be used for bi-weekly budgeting where you use First and Second as the prepend to a category instead of Week 1 and so on.

How can I get help with this transition?

If you have questions or are feeling stuck transitioning into the Foundation Template, and your question is not about the community-built Savings Budget, use the chat tool in the lower right corner of this page to send our team a message.

If you have questions or need help transitioning to or using the Savings Budget please be sure to carefully and thoroughly read the Savings Budget topic in the community, and watch the webinar recording, before posting a question about the Savings Budget. The topic is very thorough, and the webinar recording gives a great demo of how to use it, and these should answer most of your questions. If you still have a question, please first search first in the Tiller Community to see if your question has already been answered, and if you don't find the answer, post a new topic.

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