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What Should I Do if I See Duplicate Transactions in my Sheet?
What Should I Do if I See Duplicate Transactions in my Sheet?

Learn how to deal with duplicates in your transactions sheet.

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you see duplicates in your transactions sheet there are a few possible causes and solutions. 

We are aware of a bug that caused duplicates for many Google Sheets users that was introduced by a production push on Jan 21, 2025 at approximately 12:41PM EST. Due to the nature of the change we were unable to roll back the code. We found that duplicates were introduced on the second fill after this change was pushed only if during the first fill after this push you had balance updates but no transaction updates.

The failure was due to watermarks not being properly migrated if there were no transactions to fill for an account. A change has since been pushed to correct this migration error.

To fix this issue

  1. Open the File menu in your Google Sheet and choose Version History

  2. Review your versions to find the first version BEFORE Jan 21 12:41PM EST being sure to base this on your local time (e.g. if you're in PST you'd want to restore to the first version before 9:41AM PST).

  3. Click "Restore this version" at the top

  4. Open Tiller Money Feeds

  5. Fill your sheet

You should not see duplicates again if you restore to the version before the change was pushed on Jan 21.

Thank you for your patience. If you do still see duplicates after that please review the rest of this help article for guidance as they are unlikely to have been caused by this bug.

Additional context:

Watermarks allow Tiller Money Feeds to identify where it last left off so the lack of transaction watermarks for some accounts meant that Tiller Money Feeds did not recognize that any transactions had been filled for those affected accounts and thus refilled all the history. We are very sorry for this mess!

Review the Transaction IDs

To get started troubleshooting duplicates, first review the transaction IDs for the duplicates.

You can find the Transaction ID in a column to the right in your Transaction sheet. You may need to unhide some columns in the sheet (usually between columns J and M) by clicking the small arrows at the top where the column letters appear.

Identical Transaction IDs

If the pairs of duplicates, triplicates, or so on you're seeing have identical transaction IDs these are likely due to a Tiller Money Feeds fill issue. Some duplicates may have been introduced due to a bug that was pushed to Tiller Money Feeds for Google Sheets on Dec 4, 2024 that we fixed on Dec 5, 2024. If they only seem to be occurring around this time (review the Date added column to the far right in your Transactions sheet to see if the duplicates were added on these dates) then you can Use these steps to clean up those duplicates in Google Sheets.

If you're continuing to see identical IDs for duplicates coming into your sheet regularly after filling the sheet or opening the sheet after Auto Fill has run, the issue could be due to ongoing crashes and you should consider turning off Auto Fill and following the recommendations to prevent fill crashes, which introduce the duplicates, in this help article.

Unique Transaction IDs

If the pairs of duplicates have unique Transaction IDs then the cause is likely due to one of the issues detailed below. Continue to reading to assess the cause for your duplicates and next steps.

Multiple logins that share accounts

If you have multiple logins connected to the Tiller Console that share one or more accounts, such as a joint checking account with a spouse or business partner, and you have both instances of the account linked to the same Tiller Sheet, this can cause duplicates.

To fix this issue:

  1. Unlink one of the duplicate accounts from the sheet. Click here to learn how to unlink an account.

  2. Alternatively, you can email and ask to have one of the logins removed from the Account Summary on your Tiller Console if you don't really need both connected.

  3. Optionally, remove duplicates manually or using the experimental Tiller Community Solutions add-on Manage Duplicates workflow.

Multiple Online Portals

Some institutions have multiple online banking portals with different usernames and passwords. If you add both logins to your Tiller Console, and link multiple instances of the same account to your sheet, this can cause duplicates. 

To fix this issue: 

  1. Unlink one of the duplicate accounts from the sheet. Click here to learn how to unlink an account.

  2. Remove the accounts associated with one of the logins from the Tiller Console.

  3. Optionally, remove duplicates manually or using the experimental Tiller Community Solutions add-on Manage Duplicates workflow.

Re-added a Previously Removed Account

If you've removed an account from the Account Summary on your Tiller Console and then re-added the account and linked it to a sheet where it was previously linked you'll see duplicate transactions in that sheet from that account.

To fix this issue:

  1. Remove duplicates manually or using the experimental Tiller Community Solutions add-on Manage Duplicates workflow.

Manual Data Entry

If you manually added transaction data from Mint, Personal Capital or your bank you might have added some that overlapped with the data Tiller was able to automatically pull from your institution. Be sure to check the date range before manually adding data so that you don't introduce duplicates. 

To fix this issue:

  1. Remove duplicates manually or using the experimental Tiller Community Solutions add-on Manage Duplicates workflow.

Data provider mistake

Sometimes our data provider will pull in duplicate transactions. This can happen when the transaction was in a pending state and then was later posted. Most of the time duplicates caused by our data provider will resolve on their own (they catch the mistake and fix it pretty quickly - usually within a week).

If you're seeing duplicate transactions for recent transactions (within the last 5 days) for more than two weeks in a row please send us two pairs of transaction IDs that correspond to the duplicates. (i.e the ID for the original and the ID for the corresponding duplicate). 

One set should be from the most recent duplicates (must be within the last 5 days) and the next most recent duplicates.

You can find the Transaction ID in a far right column in your Transaction sheet. You may need to unhide some columns in the sheet by clicking the small arrows that will appear at the top of the Transactions sheet between a missing column letter.

Existing duplicates will remain in your sheet even after the data feed issue is addressed by our data provider. You can remove duplicates manually or by using the experimental Tiller Community Solutions add-on Manage Duplicates workflow.

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