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Transitioning from Mint to Tiller
Transitioning from Mint to Tiller

Quick and easy steps to get your data into a Tiller-powered spreadsheet.

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over 8 months ago

If you're transitioning from Mint to Tiller you can use these steps to help get your data out of Mint and into your Tiller spreadsheet. If you don't care to bring over your data from Mint (a fresh start can be very invigorating!), we recommend using the Foundations Guide for getting started with Tiller.


  1. Connect your financial institutions on the Tiller Console at

  2. Use the navigation on the right of this help article page to review and follow the steps for the platform you want to use (Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel).

📺 Click here to check out a recording of our Welcome to Tiller from Mint webinar.

Steps for Google Sheets

1. Start with the Foundation template for Google Sheets

You can skip these steps if you've already started a Google Sheet with Tiller Money Feeds

  1. On the Console click "Create a spreadsheet" and then Start with Google Sheets

  2. Follow the instructions on the Install Help tab to install the Tiller Money Feeds add-on and feed your bank data into the Google Sheet

2. Get your data out of Mint

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Choose the Transactions menu option.

  3. Click the export link at the bottom of the page to automatically download a CSV file of your transactions.

ℹ️ You may need to do multiple exports since there is a 10,000 transaction limit per export. Use the pagination buttons at the bottom of the Transactions page in Mint to export all the data that you need.

3. (optional) Grab your categories

If you've already spent some time setting up Categories in your Foundation template you probably want to skip this step. If you're brand new to Tiller you may want to quickly get started with those existing categories from Mint and customize later.

  1. Navigate to your Google Drive at

  2. Drag & drop your Mint CSV export into your Google Drive

  3. Double click the CSV file and choose "Open with Google Sheets" at the top

  4. Use the quick formula below in a blank cell to grab a unique list of categories from your data

  5. Copy the list of categories

  6. Paste it into the Categories sheet and overwrite the example categories by right clicking and choose Paste Special > Values only


4. (optional) Clear your transaction data

If you'd like to just move over the Mint data with all the categorizations, and you have all your data up to today's date, you can clear the Transactions sheet making sure to leave the header row (row 1).

Alternatively, you can just bring in a segment of historical data that pre-dates the Transaction data Tiller was able to automatically pull into your Google Sheet.

5. Import your Mint CSV

If you want to bring over your Notes and Labels from your Mint data, use the manual workflow option below.

Tiller Community Solutions Add-on Workflow

  1. Choose Tools > Import CSV Line Items

  2. Upload the Mint CSV from your computer

  3. On the summary screen, choose a date range for the data you'd like to add to the Tiller-powered sheet

  4. Click "Add to Transactions sheet"

You may not be able to import more than 1-2 years at a time using the CSV Import Tool. If the process takes more than 5 minutes it probably crashed and you should start over and reduce the amount of data you're trying to import.

Manual workflow

  1. In the Google Sheets version of the Mint export from step 3 above, delete the column used to create the unique list of categories

  2. Delete Notes and Labels columns if not using

  3. Add a column header in the first empty column to the right called "Corrected Amount"

  4. Paste the formula below these steps into the first cell in that column (row 2) to get the corrected amount data for your transactions, which should pre-fill to all subsequent rows

  5. Add a new column header called "Final amount" to the right of the "Corrected Amount" column

  6. Copy the data from the "Corrected Amount" column and paste special > Values only into the "Final Amount" column

  7. Delete the Corrected Amount, Amount, and Transaction (type) column as those are no longer needed

  8. Rearrange columns so they are in the following order Date, Description, Category, Amount, Account name

    1. If you're wanting to copy over the data from the Notes or Labels columns from Mint you'll need to add those columns in the appropriate place in the Tiller Transactions sheet before proceeding to step 6.

  9. Delete the Original Description column

  10. Select all the data in the Mint export from row 2 (do not copy row 1) to the last cell

  11. Copy the selected data

  12. In your Tiller Transactions sheet, select the first empty cell in the Date column (do not select row 1)

  13. Right click and choose Paste Special > Values only


6. Customize Categories

You can customize your categories on the Categories sheet. You can totally re-think the way you want to categorize transactions. Update category names or delete ones you no longer want or need. Each category should have a Group and a Type.

To update Transactions that have already been categorized:

  1. Turn on the Filter in the Transactions sheet

  2. Sort the Category column from A>Z

  3. Update one invalid entry (red triangle in upper right)

  4. Use the quick fill square to update the other entries

  5. Repeat for each category you want to adjust

Alternatively, you can use AutoCat and run it on "All Transactions" to help you update categories and build a ruleset for ongoing automatic categorization.

7. Start Budgeting

Set your Budget targets for each category on the Categories sheet in column E (you may need to expand these columns.) These values will cascade across to all months in the budgeting year. Edit any month directly.

Steps for Microsoft Excel

1. Start with the Foundation template for Microsoft Excel

You can skip these steps if you've already started a Excel workbook with Tiller Money Feeds

  1. On the Console click "Create a spreadsheet" and then Start with Microsoft Excel

  2. Follow the instructions on the Install Help tab to install the Tiller Money Feeds add-in and feed your bank data into the workbook.

Note if you don't see the My Add-ins option on the Insert ribbon, check the Home ribbon.

2. Get your data out of Mint

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Choose the Transactions menu option.

  3. Click the export link at the bottom of the page to automatically download a CSV file of your transactions.

ℹ️ You may need to do multiple exports since there is a 10,000 transaction limit per export. Use the pagination buttons at the bottom of the Transactions page in Mint to export all the data that you need.

3. (optional) Grab your categories

If you've already spent some time setting up Categories in your Foundation template you probably want to skip this step. If you're brand new to Tiller you may want to quickly get started with those existing categories from Mint and customize later.

  1. Open the CSV file you downloaded from Mint in Microsoft Excel

  2. Use the quick formula below in a blank cell to grab a unique list of categories from your data - you should input your last row number where it says "use last row number" in the formula

  3. Clear out the example categories in your Foundation Template's Categories sheet

  4. Copy the list of categories from the Mint export

  5. Paste it into the Categories sheet column A by right clicking the first empty cell in the Category column and choose Paste Special > Values only

=unique(F2:F[use last row number])

4. (optional) Clear your transaction data

If you'd like to just move over the Mint data with all the categorizations, and you have all your data up to today's date, you can clear the Transactions sheet making sure to leave the header row (row 1).

Alternatively, you can just bring in a segment of historical data that pre-dates the Transaction data Tiller was able to automatically pull into your Google Sheet.

5. Prep Mint data for Tiller

  1. Delete the column used to create the unique list of categories

  2. Delete Notes and Labels columns if not using

  3. Select all the data in the export and choose Format as Table from the home ribbon and click OK in the pop up

  4. Add a column header in the first empty column to the right called "Corrected Amount"

  5. Paste the below formula into the first cell in that column to get the corrected amount data for your transactions, which should pre-fill to all subsequent rows

  6. Add a new column header called "Final amount" to the right of the "Corrected Amount" column

  7. Copy the data from the "Corrected Amount" column and paste special > Values only into the "Final Amount" column

  8. Delete the Corrected Amount, Amount, and Transaction (type) column as those are no longer needed

  9. Rearrange columns so they are in the following order Date, Description, Category, Amount, Account name

  10. Delete the Original Description column


6. Move your Mint data to Tiller

  1. Select all the data in the Mint export from row 2 (do not copy row 1) to the last cell

  2. Copy the selected data

  3. In your Tiller Transactions sheet, select the first empty cell in the Date column (do not select row 1)

  4. Right click and choose Paste Special > Values only

7. Customize Categories

You can customize your categories on the Categories sheet. You can totally re-think the way you want to categorize transactions. Update category names or delete ones you no longer want or need. Each category should have a Group and a Type. Group is the bigger bucket that categories fall into.

To update Transactions that have already been categorized:

  1. Use the filter in the Transactions sheet

  2. Sort the Category column from A>Z

  3. Update one invalid entry (red triangle in upper right)

  4. Use the fill handle to update the other entries

  5. Repeat for each category you want to adjust

Alternatively, you can use AutoCat and run it on "All Transactions" to help you update categories and build a ruleset for ongoing automatic categorization.

8. Start Budgeting

Set your Budget targets for each category on the Categories sheet in column E (you may need to expand these columns.) These values will cascade across to all months in the budgeting year. Edit any month directly.

Webinar Recording

Access the accompanying resources + written Q&A here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to manually refresh some accounts?

We use a 3rd party data provider, Yodlee, to pull the data from your institutions. Mint was owned by Intuit and used Intuit’s proprietary aggregation service to pull data. They have different agreements with the banks so you may find that you need to manually refresh some institutions that require a security code in order to log in. This might be different than what you’re used to with Mint. The best workflow is to refresh from the Console then fill your spreadsheet.

Does Tiller have a mobile app?

We don’t have an app but you can review your balances on the go from the Tiller Console and we hope to add more mobile friendly functionality to the Console in the future.

Why isn't my data categorized?

Your data is not categorized out of the box. We can’t assume to know the intent of your spending so we give you the power to categorize your transactions based on your own rules and categories.

How can I budget at the group level?

Mint's category and sub-category structure is slightly different than Tiller's Group and Category structure. There isn't a way to budget at the group level in Tiller, which would be the category level in Mint. Each category in Tiller needs a budget assigned. However, you can see the total budget for the Group on the Monthly Budget or Yearly Budget sheet to know how much each group is budgeting.

How can I set up savings goals?

Tiller doesn't have an official savings goal feature just yet. We hope to release a solution for this in 2024. In the meantime you can try the Savings Goal Tracker (Beta) for Google Sheets.

Why don't I see pending transactions?

Tiller doesn't have a pending transactions feed just yet. You can vote for this feature request in the Tiller Community. Note that you must have a community account and be signed in to access the feature requests.

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