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Upgrading your data feeds

Learn more about upgrading your data feeds version

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This help article is only applicable to you if you started Tiller before mid-Jan 2019.

In Jan 2019 we upgraded our data feeds version offered by our data provider, Yodlee, from "legacy" to the "ysl"

ℹ️ We have upgraded all customers previously on "legacy" to the new "ysl" version of our data feeds.

ℹ️ If you are still using a Feed Bot sheet, you will also be required to transition to using a Tiller Money Feeds sheet in 2022. Read more about that here.

Why did we upgrade the feeds?

We strive to be at the forefront of advances in banking data aggregation. Our data provider Yodlee is investing in this newer version so we wanted to invest there too. These advances make feeds more reliable, timely, and offer more enhancements for future development.

Benefits of the upgrade

About the upgrade process

  • Someone on our team upgraded your version.

  • All existing accounts become archived & no longer refresh.

  • Your historical data is still available for archived accounts for linking into new sheets.

  • You handle re-adding all accounts on the Console as new accounts.

  • There will be a 90 day overlap of duplicate transactions if the same spreadsheet is used.

  • Duplicated accounts will appear in your sheet if the same spreadsheet is used.

  • You can start fresh in a new sheet and only link YSL accounts to it to avoid duplicates.

  • You must be using a Tiller Money Feeds sheet to upgrade your bank connections to the YSL version.

  • We have a Tiller Migration Helper add-on for assisting with the duplicate transaction and account cleanup if you choose to use the same spreadsheet.

Post-upgrade next steps

📺 Video steps below on how to navigate the transition, keep using the same sheet, and use the Migration Helper add-on to clean up the data in your Google Sheet.

ℹ️ when your account has been upgraded you will receive a confirmation email. All your existing accounts will appear under "Archived" on the Console after we upgrade your feeds, and you will not see your linked sheets on the Console until you add at least one YSL institution login.

  1. Re-add all accounts via the Account Summary > Add Accounts on the Console at

    1. ⚠️ Some customers reported this step does not work well in Firefox or Brave browsers. Try Google Chrome or Safari. If you have any issues re-adding an account, try in an incognito browser session before reaching out to our team.

  2. Set account nicknames for your new YSL accounts under the Account Summary if you want to customize your account names.

    1. If using Microsoft Excel, you will want to nickname your archived accounts (e.g. prepend them with "X" or "Archived") from the Console under the Archived Accounts section BEFORE proceeding to easily tell them apart in the Excel Add-in's task pane.

  3. Decide if you want to start fresh in a new sheet (easiest & recommended option) or continue in the same sheet with your historical Legacy data (more steps involved).

Starting fresh: you won't see your Archived (Legacy) account data in the spreadsheet. The data is still in our database and your old spreadsheet.

Using the same sheet: Your archived (legacy) account data will be in the spreadsheet and you'll need to merge the old accounts into the new accounts using either the Migration Helper add-on or manually.

Starting fresh (recommended)

You won't see your Archived (Legacy) account data in the new spreadsheet. Your old spreadsheet will still have all your historical data in case you need to reference it later.

  1. Log in to the Tiller Console (

    1. In Google Sheets the Tiller Money Feeds add-on will display your archived legacy accounts separately for easily distinguishing between Legacy (archived) and YSL (primary list of accounts)

    2. In Microsoft Excel, you will want to nickname your archived accounts (e.g. prepend them with "X" or "Archived") from the Console under the Archived Accounts section BEOFRE proceeding to step 2 to easily tell them apart in the Excel Add-in's task pane

  2. Click "Create a spreadsheet" and choose your platform (Google Sheets or Excel)

    1. Follow the instructions on the Install Help / Getting Started tab of the spreadsheet.

  3. Link only YSL accounts to the sheet when you reach the account linking step.

    1. In Google Sheets these are accounts near the top of the Connected Accounts list - do not select any in the "Archived" section - after confirming your account selections the sheet will automatically fill.

    2. In Microsoft Excel after configuring account selections click the "Fill" button.

  4. Set up your template

Using the same sheet (Tiller Money Feeds sheets only)

Your archived (legacy) account data will be in the sheet and you'll need to merge the old accounts into the new accounts using either the Migration Helper add-on or manually.

⚠️ These steps are only for customers already using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on for Google Sheets or add-in for Microsoft Excel. If you are still using a Feed Bot sheet please follow the steps in this guide.

  1. Fill your sheet with the latest legacy account data

    1. In Google Sheets launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-on from the Add-ons menu at the top of your Google Sheet and click “Fill sheets”

    2. In Microsoft Excel launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-in from the Data ribbon and click the "Fill" button

  2. Make a restore point for your spreadsheet in case you need to revert to a prior version, you’ll have a clean place to start.

    1. In Google Sheets open the File menu and choose Version History > Name this version and name it “Pre-YSL accounts”

    2. For Microsoft Excel: save your workbook, then find its file location on your computer and right click to "duplicate or copy" and paste a copy into the same location to make a backup. If storing on OneDrive make note of the date/time so you can restore back to that point.

  3. Turn off your AutoCat Auto Run on Update setting if it's on under AutoCat > AutoCat Run Settings (Google Sheets only)

    1. Launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-on from the Extensions menu

    2. Choose AutoCat > click "AutoCat Run Settings" and toggle off the Auto Run on Update

  4. Decide if you want to manually clean up duplicates or use the Migration Helper add-on. ⚠️ Review the Migration Helper Installation Notes, which include disclaimers about the sensitive Google Drive permissions required by this add-on, before deciding to use this add-on.

    1. If you want to manually clean up duplicates, skip to these steps.

    2. ℹ️ The Migration Helper add-on is only available for Google Sheets. If you're using Microsoft Excel, you'll need to use the manually clean up duplicates steps.

    3. If you want to use the Migration Helper for Google Sheets

      1. Link your YSL accounts to the sheet under Connected Accounts in the Tiller Money Feeds add-on and fill in the YSL account data (clicking "Confirm" under Connected accounts should initiate a fill).

      2. ⚠️ If you have more than 10 accounts to connect we recommend dong this in batches of 2-3 at a time.

      3. ⚠️ If the fill process takes more than 5 minutes review these troubleshooting steps.

      4. After some or all your YSL accounts are linked & the data is filled follow the steps in this guide to Merge & Repair accounts & remove duplicate transactions.

        1. ℹ️ You can add, link, fill and repair multiple times. You don't have to add all the accounts and do all this work at once. The Migration Helper add-on will let you pick up where you left off.

  5. Clean up the Accounts sheet. If you customized your accounts by applying groups to them on the Accounts sheet you’ll need to re-assign them.

    1. Navigate to the Accounts sheet (if you don't see this sheet visible in your tabs at the bottom, you can skip this step)

    2. Re-select accounts in the Account column

  6. Review your AutoCat rules and settings.

    1. Adjust account names on the AutoCat sheet if you have rules that account name criteria and any account names have changed.

    2. Launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-on from the Extensions menu

    3. Choose AutoCat > click "AutoCat Run Settings" and toggle on the Auto Run on Update

Manual Duplicate Clean Up Steps

  1. Add a "status" column to your Transactions sheet to help identify duplicates.

    1. Right click a column and choose "Insert."

    2. Put a note in it it for all existing transactions.

  2. Link your YSL accounts to your existing sheet(s)

    1. In Google Sheets via the Tiller Money Feeds add-on > Connected Accounts section. Click confirm to fill the sheet. If the process takes more than 5 minutes review these troubleshooting steps.

    2. In Microsoft Excel click the vertical "..." in the top right of the add-in then choose "Change" in Microsoft Excel to toggle on additional accounts then click "Confirm." Click the "Fill" button on the main add-in task pane to fill the data for these accounts into the workbook. (Steps here).

  3. Check for newer YSL transactions

    1. Add a note to the status column for new transactions from the YSL account that the legacy account did not already bring in.

  4. Clear out duplicate transactions.

    1. Filter the status column to only show blank rows

    2. Delete these rows. These should be the duplicate transactions.

  5. Clean up duplicate accounts in the Balance History sheet.

    1. You should do this step before moving on to step 6.

  6. Clean up the Accounts sheet. If you customized your accounts by applying groups to them on the Accounts sheet you’ll need to re-assign them.

    1. Navigate to the Accounts sheet (if you don't see this sheet visible in your tabs at the bottom, you can skip this step)

    2. Re-select accounts in the Account column to clean up the data validation errors (red triangles in upper right)

  7. Review your AutoCat rules and settings.

    1. Adjust account names on the AutoCat sheet if you have rules that account name criteria and any account names have changed.

    2. Launch the Tiller Money Feeds add-on from the Extensions menu

    3. Choose AutoCat > click "AutoCat Run Settings" and toggle on the Auto Run on Update

  8. (optional) Delete the status column in your Transactions sheet as it's no longer needed.

🧰 Troubleshooting

My fill never succeeds

If you're using the same sheet with your Legacy data, when you first fill YSL account data into your sheet using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on if you find that it takes more than about 5 minutes and never gives you a success message indicating the number of transactions and balances.

  1. Restore your sheet to the named version you created at step 2 here.

  2. Link only 1 or 2 accounts after linking the sheet to the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to get a first successful fill

  3. Click "Connected Accounts" in the sidebar

  4. Link another 1 or 2 accounts and click "Confirm" at the bottom of the sidebar

  5. Continue linking accounts in small batches until you've got all of them linked and filled

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