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Getting Started with Tiller for Google Sheets
Getting Started with Tiller for Google Sheets

Quick start guide for getting started with Tiller for Google Sheets

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over a month ago

Here's our recommended workflow for getting started with Tiller Money Feeds for Google Sheets. You can start in the Foundation template or if you prefer to use or build your own template you can start in a blank Google Sheet.


  • Started a free trial for Tiller

  • Connected one or more financial institutions

If you haven't yet started a free trial or connected a financial institution check out our guide to Get started in 3 easy steps. If you're having trouble connecting a financial institution, check out this guide.

Our recommended workflow

When you're starting out with Tiller for Google Sheets we recommend that you use the Foundation Template. It's our default supported template that's been curated to help you get to know your money, understand your cash flow, budget wisely, and gain financial confidence.

Your bank data is automated to the Foundation Template using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on for Google Sheets.

Connecting Tiller Money Feeds to your Foundation Template

  1. Click “Use template” in the upper right. This will create a copy of the sheet in your Google Drive for the default user in the browser.

    1. If you get an infinitely spinning circle at this step, see the troubleshooting steps here.

  2. Give this sheet a unique name. Edit the name in the upper left of the Google Sheet.

  3. Click here to install the Tiller Money Feeds add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace - this will open in a separate browser tab.

  4. Authorize the add-on to run using the Google account you used to subscribe to Tiller.

    1. If you signed up for Tiller with a Microsoft account, authorize the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to work with whichever Google account you use more frequently.

  5. Return to your Foundation Template, it should still be open in a separate browser tab.

  6. Click the Sign in button in the Tiller Money Feeds add-on sidebar. This will open a separate browser tab.

  7. Sign in using your Tiller subscribed Google or Microsoft account.

    1. If you get an error at this step about being logged into multiple accounts or a "bad request" error, review these troubleshooting steps.

  8. Return to your Foundation Template, it should still be open in a separate browser tab.

  9. Click "Get started" in the sidebar on the Welcome screen.

  10. Click “Link sheet” to link the sheet to your Tiller Console.

  11. Choose which accounts should feed this sheet by placing a check mark next to them and then click "Confirm"

  12. The add-on should start updating your sheet with the latest transactions and current balances for any accounts you linked to this sheet.

Need help?

If you have any issues with the above steps, write to our support team using the chat window in the lower right corner of this page (fastest response) or via with details on where you got stuck by providing the numbered step above and a screenshot of any error or confusing result.

Customizing your template

Once you've filled bank transactions and balances into your Foundation template it's time to get it set up for your unique financial situation. You can choose your categories, build AutoCat rules, and see all your balances in one place.

At this point, you'll be automatically opted into a 7 email day series where we deliver tips to help you get set up with your Foundation Template. The series is self paced and follows along with the Tiller Foundations Guide.

Use your own template

You can feed data into any Google Sheet using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on. If you prefer not to start in the Foundation template, you can connect the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to your own template with a little work.

  1. Make sure your template is compatible with the Tiller Money Feeds add-on - you can modify it to be compatible.

  2. Open the Google Sheet you want to feed data into

  3. Open the Extensions menu > Tiller Money Feeds > Sign in to Tiller

  4. Sign in to the add-on using the account you used to sign up for Tiller (it can be Google or Microsoft)

  5. Click “link sheet” in the sidebar

  6. Choose the accounts you want to feed into the sheet and click “Confirm”

Build your own

You can feed data into any Google Sheet using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on. If you prefer not to start in the Foundation template, you can connect the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to a blank spreadsheet and build your own custom template by layering community solutions on top of the core sheets in Tiller.

  1. Open a blank Google Sheet from your Google Drive (be sure to use the Google Drive associated with the Google Account you used to sign up for Tiller).

  2. Open the Google Sheet you want to feed data into 

  3. Open the Extensions menu > Tiller Money Feeds > Sign in to Tiller

  4. Sign in to the add-on using the account you used to sign up for Tiller (it can be Google or Microsoft)

  5. Click “link sheet” in the sidebar

  6. Choose the accounts you want to feed into the sheet and click “Confirm”

The add-on will create the Transactions sheet, Balance History sheet, and Categories sheet. Note: The Categories sheet built by Tiller Money Feeds does not include monthly budget columns that are default in the Foundation template, which may be required by some community solutions.

You can add community solution templates to those from the Tiller Foundation Template to create your perfect financial spreadsheet dashboard. You can use the Templates feature of the Tiller Money Feeds add-on for the community solutions which are available there or you can install the Tiller Community Solutions add-on for more options. Keep in mind that solutions from the Tiller Community through either add-on or the Show & Tell category are supported by the Tiller Community.

If you’re building your own templates for Tiller Money Feeds you may want to check out the Builder’s Reference on the Tiller Community.

Explore what's possible

The Foundation Template is a great starting point for budgeting and tracking, but if you have more specific needs or just want to explore what’s possible with Tiller we recommend checking out solutions built and supported by members of the Tiller Community. Some community-built templates for Google Sheets are available through the Templates feature of the Tiller Money Feeds add-on and many more also for easy install using the Tiller Community Solutions add-on .

You can also build your own reports, dashboards, and analysis sheets and share them in the Community

Transitioning from a Feed Bot Sheet

If you would like to transition from using a Feed Bot sheet review this guide.
Not sure what a Feed Bot sheet is? Read up on that here. If you signed up for Tiller Money after August 26, 2019 this won't apply to you. 

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