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Tiller for Google Sheets FAQ

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Tiller for Google Sheets

Heather Phillips avatar
Written by Heather Phillips
Updated over a week ago


How do I get started with Tiller for Google Sheets?

We recommend following along with our Foundations Guide. Think of this self-paced resources as the Tiller "user manual" on how to get started, set up, and succeed with Tiller.

Do I need to sign up with a Google Account to try the Google Sheets version of Tiller?

No, you can use the same account, even if you signed up for Tiller using a Microsoft Account, to try the Google Sheets version of Tiller. Just make sure you pay attention to which Google account you use to get started with your Foundation Template for Google Sheets.

When you first install the Tiller Money Feeds add-on for Google Sheets you'll be prompted to sign in to Tiller and you can sign in with Microsoft here too.

How does Tiller get bank data into my Google Sheet?

We use a Google Sheets add-on called Tiller Money Feeds to feed financial data into your Google Sheets. The add-on is pre-installed into the Tiller Foundation template, which you can access by clicking the "Start with Google Sheets" button on the Tiller Console under "Create a spreadsheet".

You will connect the template, your own Google Sheets template, or even a blank Google Sheet to the financial feeds using the add-on. Just install and sign in to the add-on with your Tiller-subscribed gmail account and easily link a sheet and start feeding your data, all right in the Google Sheet.

To keep the data flowing into your Google Sheet after the first setup, launch the add-on from the Extensions menu at the top of your Google Sheet and then click "Fill sheets" in the sidebar.

How often does the Tiller Money Feeds add-on update my sheet with new data?

To keep the data flowing into your Google Sheet after the first setup, launch the add-on from the Extensions menu at the top of your Google Sheet and then click "Fill" in the sidebar.

By default, Auto Fill is enabled on Google Sheets for a once daily scheduled automatic fill of available transactions and balances into your Google Sheet. You can disable the Auto Fill feature by modifying your settings. Read more here.

Some accounts may require your attention in order to refresh due to the security settings or bank's requirements. Click "Connected Accounts" in the Tiller Money Feeds add-on sidebar to refresh accounts that need your attention and then click "Fill" again.

Which templates can I use with the Tiller Money Feeds add-on?

Tiller offers one official template for Google Sheets, the Foundation Template that includes yearly and monthly budget views, cash flow analysis, and quick insights about net worth and spending trends.

You can also find templates and solutions to various financial workflows (net worth, zero sum budgeting, debt snowball, and more) in the Tiller Community Solutions add-on.

You can connect the Tiller Money Feeds add-on to your own template or a blank Google Sheet as well. When using your own template you will most likely need to make modifications to support Tiller's data feeds. Read more here.

Can I link more than 5 sheets to the Console using the add-on?

There is a 5 sheet linking limit for spreadsheets linked to the Console (Google Sheets and Excel combined). This still applies to sheets already linked to the Console using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on.

What happens to a Google Sheet I unlink?

Any sheets you unlink will still exist in your Google Drive, but cannot be updated by Tiller Money Feeds. You can delete these sheets if you’d like or save them as a backup or archive of your data. You can re-link a sheet that was previously linked.

How can I manually track balances and transactions for non-automated accounts?

You can manually track balances for non-automated accounts using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on under Manual Accounts. Use these steps.

Does Tiller only work for Google Sheets?

Nope. You are able to feed your bank data into Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel workbooks using the same account. See our Getting Started with Tiller for Microsoft Excel guide here.

I connected my accounts and I don’t see all of my data. What should I do?

When you initially connect your accounts, we can usually pull up to 90 days of data into your sheets, but this varies by institution and account. If you want to add more historical data to your sheet, you can manually import historical data. If it seems like you’re missing recent transactions, review this guide and reach out to our support team - we’re happy to help. If you're not seeing any data for a newly connected account you probably just need to link the account to the spreadsheet.

What do I do if I've accidentally deleted my spreadsheet?

We don't own nor store any of your spreadsheets in our database. Your sheets are owned 100% by you so Tiller will not be able to recover a deleted spreadsheet.

Foundation Template

How do I get started with the Tiller Foundation template for Google Sheets?

Review our Getting Started with Tiller for Google Sheets guide here, which includes steps for making a copy of the Foundation Template and getting the data flowing into it.

Use our Foundations Guide for how to use the template and set it up for budgeting and tracking.

Where can I find the AutoCat sheet?

You can install and run AutoCat using the Tiller Money Feeds add-on by clicking AutoCat in the sidebar after you launch the add-on from near the bottom of the Extensions menu.

Which sheets are default and required in the Foundation template?

The Foundation template has the following sheets by default. Any other tabs in your Google Sheet likely came from the Tiller Community Solutions add-on and are supported by our team in the Tiller Community.

  • Spending Trends

  • Transactions

  • Categories

  • Monthly Budget (hidden)

  • Yearly Budget (hidden)

  • Balances

  • Accounts (hidden)

  • Balance History (hidden)

Where do I set my budget amounts for categories?

Budget amounts are set on the Categories sheet in the respective month column. You may need to expand the budget month columns if you don't see them by default:

Can I include more than 12 months in my budget?

The Tiller Foundation template supports multi-year budgeting (by adding more month columns to the Categories sheet - steps linked below), but you can only visualize a 12 month period on the Yearly Budget sheet.

How can I use the Foundation Template for envelope budgeting?

The Tiller Foundation Template does not support envelope or zero-sum budgeting. If you prefer that budgeting method we recommend testing out the Savings Budget from the Tiller Community.

Where can I find the Accounts sheet?

The Accounts sheet, where you can configure groups to organize your accounts or set a class override if it’s being pulled in with the wrong class is hidden by default. Simply unhide the sheet by opening the view menu at the top of the Google Sheet and choosing “Hidden Sheets” to select Accounts.

How can I track my net worth or debt payoff in the Foundation Template?

You can add solutions for net worth tracking, debt payoff, and much more using the Tiller Community Solutions add-on.

Can I change the date format or spreadsheet's location setting?

The Foundation template is built specifically for United States date format (mm/dd/yyyy) and United States spreadsheet locale settings. If you change the spreadsheet settings to use a different location or date formats in the template your other dashboards may not calculate amounts in the correct periods.

How can I get a template I saw on Tiller's website?

Google Sheets templates featured on the Tiller website aside from the Foundation Template are usually available via the Tiller Community Solutions add-on and are supported by the Tiller Community.

How do I create a spreadsheet?

If you want to start fresh or create another Foundation Template, you can do this from the Tiller Console under "Create a spreadsheet" and choose "Start with Google Sheets" or "Start with Microsoft Excel" to open or download the Foundation Template on your preferred platform.

  • Note, if you’ve already linked one spreadsheet you’ll need to click on “Create a spreadsheet” to open the section for access to the template buttons.

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